The appearance characteristics of black skirt fish

Shape characteristics of the mullet

The body shape of the mullet and the rest of the same genus The species are similar, and the mullet has the habit of eating eggs, so when the mullet grows, you must remember to take out the male and female fish and separate them.

The biggest characteristic of the blackskirt fish is: from the dorsal fin to the trailing edge of the tail, including the dorsal fin, anal fin, and adipose fin, the rear half of the body is black, while the front half of the body is silvery white, with a black top. Vertical lines. When a mullet is frightened, its body color will fade. As the fish ages, its black color will gradually fade.

The body is tall and the sides are flat, up to 8 cm in length. The front half of the body is silvery gray with 2 long black spots, the back half of the body is black, and the dorsal fin is high and short in the upper middle part of the dorsal fin. The dorsal fin, adipose fin, and anal fin are all black, and the caudal fin is deeply forked and colorless. The buttocks and abdomen are generally connected, and the anal fin is also specially extended to the caudal peduncle, forming a strange shape, swimming like a rock and roll dance.

